Movie still from Bookworm (2024) directed by Ant Timpson

Bookworm (2024)

104 minutesEnglish
Film Review


Ant Timpson


Elijah WoodNell FisherMichael SmileyVanessa Stacey

Enter the Magic: Exploring "Bookworm"

In the pantheon of whimsical father-daughter adventures, Bookworm finds its own cozy nook, mixing a hearty dose of childlike wonder with a smattering of grown-up caution. Directed by Ant Timpson, the film is set against New Zealand's rolling landscapes, which nearly play a character themselves—a stunning and sometimes treacherous wilderness that both beckons and warns.

Setting Up the Stage

Elijah Wood steps into the shoes of Strawn Wise, a jaded illusionist whose best tricks seem to have eluded his personal life. Enter Mildred, delightfully portrayed by Nell Fisher, his precocious young daughter who lights up the screen with her keen intelligence and youthful zest. An unplanned consequence of a fleeting Vegas encounter, Mildred is, for the most part, an outcast in her own world; a book-reading prodigy surrounded by mundane realities.

The story kicks off when Mildred's mother unexpectedly ends up in a coma, throwing Strawn and his daughter into an impromptu union. The twist? They aim to bag a $50,000 prize by proving the existence of a mythic panther inhabiting the Kiwi wilderness. It sounds like child’s play, but don't be fooled—this quest has more bites than its bark.

A Tale of Two Contrasts

One can't help but notice how Timpson and screenwriter Toby Harvard play with contrasts. On one hand, you've got the innocently curious Mildred and, on the other, her father who too often languishes in mediocrity. Strawn's less-than-perfect magic tricks add a layer of humor that cushions their bumpy journey. Mildred's stinging one-liners show the occasional eye-roll that’s all too familiar to any tween or former tween — a mere crisis-reminder that parenthood comes without a manual.

Yet, in their shared misadventures navigating both nature and new familial ties, a distinct bond begins to form. There’s a sweet authenticity in watching Strawn gradually exchange his illusions of grandeur for genuine moments of connection with his daughter.

A Dive into the Wilderness

While the comedic elements offer a hearty laugh, Timpson layers in elements of tension with unexpected interlopers—a bizarre couple that adds intrigue to the narrative. Michael Smiley and Vanessa Stacey step in as Arnold and Angelina, initially contributing only humor, but rapidly evolving into catalysts for suspense.

The cinematography steals your breath as Daniel Katz artfully captures the grandeur of New Zealand's landscapes, gently expanding the boxed aspect ratio to reflect the growing scope of Strawn and Mildred’s world. As the vistas widen, so does our sense of the stakes.

Closing the Chapter

Bookworm manages to feel both expansive and intimate, tackling big ideas while never losing sight of the individual lives caught in its web. By the time the credits roll, there's little left to be desired—Timpson serves up magic and meaning in equal measure, proving that an adventure doesn't have to be explosive to be epic.

You know, there's something refreshing about a film that doesn't take the easy 'happily ever after,' yet gives you hope that such things might just be possible.

Additional Information

Release Year
104 minutes

This review of Bookworm was written by Slow Cinema Club. Last updated on March 13, 2025.
